Sunday, August 15, 2010

Biggest most exciting news ever!

I searched and searched for the perfect publisher for my book. I took meetings and talked to people who thought the book was perfect and twice as many meeting with people who thought the book was crap. I was offered a deal with Chris from Deadxstop and sat on it for a few months until one day I let go of my fear of actually putting this out into the world and said yes.

I am so happy to be working with the amazing christopher gutierrez. I have an amazing editor and team behind this story and I am thrilled!

Just yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night and emailed my editor. Wait! This whole thing is total crap, we have to start over, this is the worst book ever... and what she said to me was this...

"And it's not a piece of shit, I'd tell you :) I don't have any knowledge of the dance world and it drew me in and made me want to find out more. Plus, woman to woman, reading about your relationship stories, I was thinking things like "OMG! I KNOW!" I think you're going to love how it turns out :) "

So here I am going through with it despite all of my fears and officially announcing that in Oct you will be able to order my book "rockettes, rockstars and rockbottom".
This week I did an amazing photo shoot with the very talented lindsay rosenberg for the book. I personally want to thank each and everyone of you for reading, giving me a push, being excited about this project and for your support. I couldn't have done it without you.

There are all kinds of plans in the works- book tour, release, pre-order specials and I will let you know as soon as I know! yay!
