Friday, October 23, 2009

Decided to stick with what I am good at. Just to clarify:

Things I am good at:
-drinking diet coke
-doing giant kicks while coming out door of big red bus
-designing kick ass dancegear
-writing rad memoir/inspirational coming of age in NYC tale
-standing in heels for 9 hours and not complaining
-biting my nails
-eating trailmix in bed while icing feet

Things I am bad at:
-drinking water
-anything to do with dating
-remembering birthdays
-knowing when to stop working
-remembering my umbrella

In between my 10 hours of rehearsals I managed to get alot of work done. The new fall designs are killer. Finally got Steve to post the new cuffs on the for you all. (go get one! we only made a few!) Did a full Shelley's dance company rope warm-up (my body needed it!), mailed out a tons of cuffs and letters to all my favorite people. Decided that I need to focus on work right now. My hopeless romantic over reactor lover of sweet music and quotes about love side is pretty bummed about this. I was told that I seem to invite only toxic people into my life. Actually they said " human bio hazardous waste". I do not agree. I just seem to always get myself into impossible situations. Then I waste so much energy on making these impossible things possible. After the kind of day I had, all my extra energy needs to go into myself and my jacked up body. My body aches so bad right now, it is in my best interest to keep my heart locked up so that it never has to ache too. I wish they made anti-inflammatories for your heart, I would buy them in bulk.