If in grade 11, when I had my hair dyed like Ginger Spice and had spice girls EVERYTHING, I had known that one day I would be working with, hanging with and friends with Melanie Brown (aka scary) I would have died. Mel's last show is tonight and what a ride this has been. Mel is the craziest person I have ever met, but she also has the biggest heart. She has been nothing but amazing to me and I am so happy to have her in my life. She is a true goddess of GIRL POWER and has helped me realize strengths I never knew I had. Dancing beside her has been one of the highlights of my career. Talking with her has made me realize just how strong and worthy I am. I will miss her dearly. I know that there will be so many tears shed onstage tonight. Goodbyes are always the worst.
"all you need is positivity" - The spice girls
(insert english accent) "Keltie, being you is the best revenge, your bloody hot!" - Mel B.