Life will take you down a million different roads. You will meet all kinds of people. Some of them will come into your life just for a few months, years or even days. For me all this coming and going sometimes makes me sad. But sometimes this coming and going makes me very happy. I think it is wonderful when the universe all meets up and a bunch of your fleeting friendships all end up in the same place. I have been so lucky to meet some of the most talented dancers in America and have them inspire me. These friends include the soloist in the brand spankin new ELVIS circ show, my friend Ryan who is on tour with WICKED and of course, the one and only Shu-shu, sister and rockette. It was a blast hanging with them and reinventing some wall-ography.
In other news, I have had the pleasure of watching my friends play the house of blues on sunday night. I was blown away by how many people came up to me with words of love, adoration and CUFFS! It was so amazing. I had mom come up to me and tell me I have inspired them and their daughters to dance! I am sort of blown away by all of this and like I told me new friends..."does anyone really know what the fuck they are doing?". The answer is no. I do not know. I just live, enjoy, think everyday. Thanks for following along...
More amazing was watching my friend Alex up there. He sang one of the best shows I have ever seen him play. Perfectly pitched to a tee. There are some singers that never disappoint me an he is one of them. More than that, he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I ave known him for years and he is one of the only people to constantly treat me with love and friendship no matter what. I admire him so much. I couldn't contain my pride to see how far they have come and see the house of blues bursting at the seams at how powerful and energetic the show was.
amazing people. amazing life.